
3 reasons tech certifications are the cherry on the upskilling cake

How tech certifications can help your organisation get the most out of technologies it invests in, upskilling employees and increasing business value.

Our daily working environment is defined more than ever by the technologies and software we use. From your website to project management tools, to Customer Relationship Management systems and finance and accounting, software is relied upon to keep many aspects of your business running.

This includes programs and software from tech juggernauts like Microsoft, AWS, Google, Salesforce, and ServiceNow.

At QA, we are partnered with all five of these juggernauts, to offer you funding solutions together with the availability of leading vendor certifications. And all this at degree level of study!

But technology doesn’t just run itself.

Technologies, and the benefit you gain from them, are only as good as the people who operate them. Think of the tech as the brush, and your workforce as the artist.

To get the most out of the technologies you invest in, it’s essential to upskill your workforce. This will enable you to create an in-house team of experts, embedding knowledge within your organisation and empowering your workforce to realise business value from technology in the most seamless way possible.

How do you make sure your chosen training partner delivers real value?

By heading straight to the source, you gain first-hand knowledge from the very people who created your trusted tech.

Where do apprenticeships come in?

So, you’re looking to upskill your workforce in digital skills. Why stop at vendor certifications alone?

With degree apprenticeships, you can invest in your existing employees, or new recruits future, by upskilling over the course of a degree programme.

For example, learners on our Digital Technology Solutions BSc degree apprenticeship can start out at junior level, and become fully equipped with the expertise to develop innovative digital solutions in a technical career specialism, applying what they learn right from the start.

PLUS, those leading vendor certifications we mentioned up top… they’re embedded in the programme.

What are the benefits of workplace training?

Through their chosen vendor pathway, your employees will become the tech ‘artists’ your business needs to maximise the potential of your tools. Not only does this boost the return on your tech investment, but it also ensures long-term results that evolve and adapt as your business does.

Here are three reasons we believe that upskilling your people with partner-certified training provides you with an advantage:

  • Your people know your business

Your employees are already knowledgeable about your business, and new hires are quickly immersed. This gives them a head start to find solutions as they already understand your challenges in greater depth.

  • Your team know how to collaborate

Processes like software development are collaborative, and the more integrated your team are with one another, the more agile they can be. Having your experts in-house means you can cultivate a great working culture which supports efficiency, innovation and productivity.

  • Your knowledge is always at hand

Whatever makes your business tick, that should be the foundation of what you build, how you work and what you are leveraging your chosen technologies for. Upskilling your tech specialists from within means they have direct access to your subject matter experts who can guide the progress of your networks, software and data to keep it true.

If you’re searching for a way to meet digital skills demand, and you want funded qualifications and certified training as part of the package, get in touch with our team to learn more about BSc Digital Technology Solutions, and its five vendor pathways.

Let’s talk, reach out here.