We are delighted to share that QA has partnered with the Association of Apprentices (AoA). In working with AoA, we will provide you with access to social and professional networks, learning, guidance, and support to enhance your journey.

Apprenticeship learner's portal

All the need-to-know information about your apprenticeship, all in one place, covering your path to apprenticeship success, your wellbeing, and an introduction to our feedback process.

Watch the welcome video below to find out more about your apprenticeship programme and the support available to you.

Your wellbeing

Information, advice and activities to help prioritise your wellbeing during your apprenticeship programme, including workload management, handling stress, and external support services.

QA’s Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mark Soady: Mark.soady@qa.com / 07808 050273

QA’s Prevent Lead is Stephen Smith: Stephen.smith@qa.com

Your Wellbeing, Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Calendar

Our safeguarding team provide a series of live sessions, webinars and podcasts in a variety of wellbeing and diversity areas to help you on your apprenticeship journey. Find out more about these events in the calendar below.

















Time to Talk Day


Time to Talk Day, is the nation’s biggest mental health conversation. Happening every year, it’s a day for friends, families, communities, and workplaces to come together to talk, listen and change lives. In this session, you will hear our Safeguarding Team talk through what mental health means for them.

Sexual Abuse and Violence Awareness Week


Sexual Abuse & Sexual Violence Awareness Week is a dedicated week-long campaign that focuses on addressing sexual abuse and sexual violence. It aims to challenge societal norms, stereotypes, and misconceptions surrounding these issues while providing a platform for survivors to share their stories and find support.

Neurodiversity and Women


Recent studies show that the ratio of males to females identified as being ADHD or autistic (ASC) is 3:1. However, in this session, we explored why this statistic may be flawed and heard about the lived experience of a panel of female ND talent from QA.

Eating Disorders Awareness Week

Trigger Warning - This content may be upsetting to some

Eating Disorders Awareness Week is an international awareness event, fighting the myths and misunderstandings that surround anorexia, bulimia and binge eating disorder. It’s important to remember that eating disorders are not all about food itself, but about feelings. The way the person interacts with food may make them feel more able to cope, or may make them feel in control.

Self Harm Awareness Day

Trigger Warning - This content may be upsetting to some

Each year around the world, 1st March is Self Harm Awareness Day (sometimes also known as Self Injury Awareness Day). In the UK, it is an opportunity for everyone across the country to speak with one voice to raise awareness around what is often a very misunderstood topic. QA seeks to get as many involved to help spread the message as widely as possible. During this conversation we explore what it means for someone to express themselves via self-harm.

International Women's Day


International Women's Day (IWD) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. It's also a day to raise awareness about gender equality and women's rights. Observed annually on March 8th, it's a focal point in the women's rights movement.

World Sleep Day


World Sleep Day® is an annual event, intended to be a celebration of sleep and a call to action on important issues related to sleep, including medicine, education, social aspects and driving. It is organized by the World Sleep Day Committee of the World Sleep Society and aims to lessen the burden of sleep problems on society through better prevention and management of sleep disorders.

Neurodiversity and the Workplace - The 80:20 Model

As part of our neurodiversity awareness sessions, we explored neurodiversity in the workplace, including Access to Work and reasonable adjustments.

Neurodiversity Celebration Week

Introduction to Neurodiversity and Why We Should Celebrate

The 4D's


Tourette's and Tic Conditions

Neurodiversity Panel Q&A

Stress Awareness Month - Guided Meditation

A guided meditation session with Mindfulness coach Lisa Ellis.

Self-Assessing Your Wellbeing: The Wellness Wheel

Time Management and You

Productivity expert Ali Abdaal reveals 10 principles and ideas to manage your time more effectively. 

Neurodiversity and Executive Function - Live session


Global Accessibility Awareness Day - Live Session

International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia

Neurodiversity and Menopause - Live Session

Pride Month Launch: Intersectionality - Live Session

Autistic Pride - Live Session


Stop Cyber Bullying Day - Microaggressions

Pride In Tech - Live Session

On-demand webinar
Release date: 27th June 2024

Check back for the link to the session recording on the release date above.

World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

On-demand webinar
Release date: 30th July 2024

Check back for the link to the session recording on the release date above.

World Humanitarian Day

On-demand webinar
Release date: 19th August 2024

Check back for the link to the session recording on the release date above.

World Suicide Prevention Day

Live session
 10th September 2024

Check back for the link to the session registration.

Mental Health Awareness

Find information and activities relating to Mental Health to help you thrive in your apprentice programme.

Our Safeguarding Team

You can make a safeguarding referral here and access information on how our safeguarding team can support you.

Watch the video below to find out about how our safeguarding service can help support you.

Safeguarding support options

Ways to access support if you are worried for yourself or someone else:

Safeguarding Policies and Guidance

Your success

Information, advice and guidance to help you succeed in your apprenticeship, including learner services – Functional Skills, Learner Support (SEND) – end point assessment, and support routes available.

Programme Specific Information

Including End Point Assessment, Technical Specifications and structures. 


Level 3 Apprenticeship Programme Information


Level 4 Apprenticeship Programme Information


Level 5 Apprenticeship Programme Information


Degree/Level 7 Apprenticeship Programme Information

Understanding Your Learner Identity

support nets logo

Supporting personal change when learning

Understand your learner identity, finding purpose and developing your mindset with SupportNets.

We understand that learners need more than just technical training. What shapes your career is a mixture of activities that improve your knowledge, skills, and behaviours. SupportNets™ consists of an ecosystem of support which can be wrapped around any learning programme to support you and your line manager to gain more from your learning.

Visit SupportNets

Functional Skills

Functional Skills are an integral part of your apprenticeship, find out more and access exam info and mock papers here.

Watch the video below to find out more about the importance of functional skills to apprenticeships.

Functional skills overview

Find out more about Functional Skills training and qualifications, and access mock exams, on the City & Guilds website.

Neurodivergent & Disabled Learners

Information on how neurodivergent learners are supported throughout their apprentice programme and how to access support.

Watch the video below to learn how neurodivergent learners are supported throughout their apprentice programme.

Accessing Support

Use the learner support self-referral link below to disclose your needs and ensure that you receive the reasonable adjustments you need to flourish.

Level 3-4 Learner Support Self-Referral

For more information please contact Specialist.learningteam@qa.com

Degree Apprenticeship Learner Support Self-Referral

For more information please contact DASpecialist.learningteam@qa.com


Safeguarding, British Values & Prevent Content

Increase your awareness of British Values, Prevent and important safeguarding areas with the information and activity packs available.

You can find information on QA's safeguarding structures and British values for learners in the documents below.

Safeguarding Activities

Increase your awareness of important safeguarding areas with the information and activity packs available to download below:


Degree ACE Team

The Academic Community of Excellence (ACE) is here to support you with your academic study skills such as planning, reading, finding resources and writing assignments.

Find out how the ACE Team can support you with your Degree Study in the video below:

The Academic Community of Excellence (ACE) is here to support you with your academic study skills such as planning, reading, finding resources and writing assignments.

To contact the ACE Team please email them at aceda@qa.com or you can book a 1:1 directly here.

Degree Library Resource

The Canvas Library Tile is a one-stop shop for library resources, including reading lists, ebooks, databases, and expert guidance. 

You can use the Canvas Library Tile to book a 1:1 consultation with a librarian, covering search best practices, information literacy and referencing.

It is accessible for degree apprenticeship learners on the Chartered Manager, Senior Leader and Senior Leader MBA, Digital Technology Solutions, Digital Marketer, and Artifical Intelligence programmes.

Bookings for 1:1 consultations

Canvas Library Tile contact page (requires login)

*Learners on Northumbria University-affiliated degree apprenticeship programmes (CSTP, PMDA, DTS L7, DUX) can use the NU Library; they can access their resources via the Student Portal.

Industry Talks Forum

Our Industry Talks Forum is aimed at providing exploration opportunities for you to delve into cutting-edge topics, enriching your understanding and knowledge within your specialised field. Sessions will be open to all Apprenticeship learners (Intermediate to Degree Level), offering a diverse learning experience to broaden knowledge and support your professional development.

Find out more and book a session

Useful documents & Important Information

For Level 3 & 4 Apprenticeships please contact theapprenticeshiphub@qa.com or use your chat functionality in Bud.

Degree Aptem users please use your chat functionality on your learning platform.

All Degree learners can access information on Academic and Operational support routes below.

Your experience

How QA listens to and acts upon the feedback you provide throughout your apprenticeship, including an introduction to the feedback cycle and the complaints process.

Apprenticeship Feedback Cycle

Our aim is to provide an enhanced learning experience for our learners. Feedback is collected at regular intervals in the apprenticeship journey to enable continuous improvement. Find out more in the document below. 

Apprenticeship feedback cycle

QA Complaints Policy

Should you wish to, you can access the Complaints Policy and relating documentation below.

Your future

QA are proud to partner with the Association of Apprentices to provide information, advice and guidance to support you on your career journey

If you’d like to talk to one of our Careers Information, Advice, and Guidance Coordinators feel free to get in touch at careersinfo@qa.com providing a brief overview of what you’d like to discuss and  one of the team will be in contact to organise a session. 

Find out more about the Association of Apprentices below.


Career Management


Skills & Preferences


Challenges & Change


Exploring Career Options


Building Career Skills


Career Assessments

You can approach career management in various ways, but it is important to understand yourself, your possible futures and the importance of planning your career journey. The following resources can help you to explore these concepts:

(The following links are to AOA resources)

It can be difficult to know where to start when thinking about your skills, preferences and strengths. A good place to start is to make a list of skills you have gained through employment, learning, general life etc. and then reviewing if you’d like to develop any of these further. The following resources can help you to explore self-awareness, how to uncover your skills set and what are desirable skills in the workplace:

(The following links are to AOA resources)

We can all respond differently to change and challenges when they occur, the following resources can help you to explore practical coping strategies, developing resilience and how to approach CV’s and interviews when required:

(The following links are to AOA resources)

Identifying what it is you really want to do can have a positive impact on not only your job satisfaction but you overall health and wellbeing. The following resources can help you to explore your career direction, what is valued in the workplace and how to aim for promotion:

(The following links are to AOA resources)

Career skills are an essential part of being successful in your role and future career. The following resources can help you to understand and explore these skills helping you in your day to day and enhancing your career:

(The following links are to AOA resources)

At any stage of your career, understanding your motivations, preferences, values and styles of working can be useful when thinking about your existing role and your career journey. The following assessments will provide you with a personal report with practical tailored recommendations for you to apply:

(The following links are to AOA career assessments)