Your wellbeing calendar



Our safeguarding team provide a series of live sessions, webinars, and guides in a variety of wellbeing and diversity areas to help you on your apprenticeship journey. Find out more about these resources in the calendar below.

February March April May June July August September


Time to talk day

Time to talk day, is the nation’s biggest mental health conversation. In this session, you will hear our Safeguarding Team talk through what mental health means for them.

Sexual abuse and violence awareness week

Challenge societal norms, stereotypes, and misconceptions surrounding these issues while providing a platform for survivors to share their stories and find support

Neurodiversity and Women

Recent studies show that the ratio of males to females identified as being ADHD or autistic (ASC) is 3:1. We explore why this statistic may be flawed and hear about the experience of a panel of female ND talent from QA.

Eating disorders awareness week

Trigger warning - content may be upsetting to some

Fighting the myths and misunderstandings that surround anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorder.


Self-harm awareness day

Trigger warning - content may be upsetting to some

March 1st is annual self-harm awareness day, an opportunity to speak with one voice to raise awareness around what is often a very misunderstood topic.

International women's day

International Women's Day (IWD) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. It's also a day to raise awareness about gender equality and women's rights. 

World sleep day

Organized by the World Sleep Society, this event aims to lessen the burden of sleep problems on society through better prevention and management of sleep disorders.

Neurodiversity and the workplace - the 80:20 model

As part of our neurodiversity awareness sessions, we explored neurodiversity in the workplace, including Access to Work and reasonable adjustments.


Stress awareness month - guided meditation

A guided meditation session with Mindfulness coach Lisa Ellis.

The wellness wheel

The wellness wheel is a holistic tool used to illustrate various dimensions of wellness, emphasising how different aspects of health and well-being are connected.

Time management and you

Productivity expert Ali Abdaal reveals 10 principles and ideas to manage your time more effectively. 

Neurodiversity and executive function - live session


Global accessibility awareness day - live session

International day against homophobia, transphobia, and biphobia

Neurodiversity and menopause - live session


Pride Month Launch: Intersectionality - Live Session

Autistic pride - live session

Stop cyber bullying day - microaggressions


World day against trafficking in persons: On-demand webinar

Trigger warning - content may be upsetting to some

Increasing awareness of trafficking, including signs of exploitation and victim testimonies.


World humanitarian day: On-demand webinar

Check back for the link to the session recording on 19th August 2024


World suicide prevention day: Live session

10th September 2024

Check back for the link to the session registration.