Our safeguarding team

See below to learn how to make a safeguarding referral and access information on how our safeguarding team can support you.

QA’s Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mark Soady: Mark.soady@qa.com / 07552597253

QA’s Prevent Lead is Jaspreet Kaur Hothi: jaspreet.kaurhothi@qa.com

Safeguarding support options

Ways to access support if you are worried for yourself or someone else:

Rule of 4 Covert Alarm

This process has been designed to give you a means of raising an alarm covertly if you are unable to do so via normal channels. The video will provide an in-depth description of the process. We hope you'll never need it but we want to ensure you can keep yourself safe in as many ways as possible.


The Rule of 4 process should only be used in case of emergency. The police will be called if you raise the alarm using this initiative.