Dr Glenis Wade is our leadership development and business SME with over 25 years of experience leading management and executive education design.

She creatively draws on her unique journey, as she hails from UK University Business Schools, where she taught and was programme director for master’s level 7 courses, project managed a £250K HEFCE funded employer engagement (work-based learning) programme and delivered training for private learning and development enterprises.

Glenis now designs and delivers accredited and unaccredited tailormade programmes from within QA’s Leadership and Business portfolio and, previously, the Senior Leader Degree Apprenticeships.

She is the Programme Director for CMI and Centre Manager for ILM.

Dr Glenis has previously published articles in various trade, industry, and scholarly journals on different subjects, including leadership practice and development, workplace wellbeing, developing computing professionals, and surfacing tensions and current cultural challenges in fashion.

She is a current PgCert candidate for the Executive Team Coaching course at Hult Ashridge Business. There, she uses psychological insights, concepts around group dynamics and the latest management research to help senior teams reflect on the process of their meetings and not just their output for more effective and efficient working. 

Outside of her professional life, she enjoys making hand-crafted moody and cosy home office décor to bring people together better in their online leading, consulting, and coaching meetings, which she writes about in her Etsy Shop blog.