
QA is fully MSP® accredited

NEW Managing Successful Programmes (MSP®): 5th Edition now available with QA's instructor-led online courses and self-paced online courses!

What is MSP®?

The Managing Successful Programmes (MSP®) qualification is the main recognised qualification for programme management worldwide and is aimed at project, programme and business change managers who are delivering change into their organisations by managing a collection of projects and ensuring the benefits are achieved. 

The MSP® certification has been developed using the collective expertise of some leading practitioners in the field, reflecting best practice and an accessible, workable technique that has been tested by those working in the real world. The framework also includes stakeholder engagement tools to ensure key stakeholders are involved all the way through the change, from design to delivery. MSP is designed to work with any project method, including agile and waterfall, although it is explicitly designed with PRINCE2 in mind. 

Why train with QA?

  • Our trainers are experienced programme managers in both public and private sectors and can give real-world examples of the challenges and solutions programme managers face.
  • Our scale means we can educate all levels of change delivery – project, programme and portfolio – for one client.
  • Our agile training expertise means we can teach MSP with different project methods in mind.

Which course to do?

MSP 5th Edition is the latest certification, representing a major improvement in the method. If you're new to MSP, we recommend that you attend our combined 5-day Foundation & Practitioner 5th Edition course, in the classroom, via our virtual classroom, online learning or a mix of these. The combined course is more cost effective, and the Foundation examination is marked by our expert and you will be given your results at the end of the Foundation examination

IMPORTANT NOTE: To take the 5th Edition Practitioner exam, you must have passed the 5th Edition Foundation exam – 4th Edition is not accepted. If you have MSP 4th Edition Foundation, we suggest doing the MSP Bridging course to prepare you for the 5th Edition Foundation exam, in order to progress to 5th Edition Practitioner. We also still offer 4th Edition Practitioner.

MSP® certification paths

= Required
= Certification
MSP® qualification Pass the separate Foundation and Practitioner exams, or take one of the combined options. Please note that 4th edition is not compatible with the latest 5th edition certification, but we still offer it in online learning form.

Browse our courses

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