QA sponsors CyNam 22.2, Cyber Cheltenham's headline summer event

We’re delighted to partner with CyNam to help deliver the vital change needed to help the UK’s cyber, digital and creative sectors to thrive.

Tonight, we’ll be sponsoring CyNam 22.2, Cyber Cheltenham’s headline summer event in collaboration with Cheltenham Science Festival. Focused on collaboration and knowledge sharing CyNam 22.2 will bring the local cyber community together with a stellar line up of industry pros to help demystify web3, blockchain and crypto currency.

Cheltenham has an international reputation for leadership in cyber innovation, and its cyber ecosystem is rapidly expanding. CyNam exists to help create the conditions for local cyber technology innovation, providing the capability, community and culture to bring together pioneering start-ups with investment, industry and government to support wealth creation in Gloucestershire. It’s a great organization doing some amazing work across the local business community.

Toby Barnard, Managing Director QA Learning Government commented:

“With more and more need for cyber, cloud and data skills every day, we must open up more avenues to fulfilling careers in tech if we want to successfully avoid a skills crisis. Starting local is an important part of this, so we’re delighted to partner with CyNam to help deliver the vital change needed to help the UK’s cyber, digital and creative sectors to thrive.

“But we must go further. To help build on CyNam’s important work, QA’s Cyber Programs team is also working with local schools in socially deprived areas of Cheltenham to help students realize their potential in digital skills and consider a future in tech.”


Find out more about CyNam

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