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Our safeguarding team
Find out about how our safeguarding service can help to support your apprentice.
Safeguarding leads

QA’s Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mark Soady: Mark.soady@qa.com / 07552597253

QA’s Prevent Lead is Jaspreet Kaur Hothi: jaspreet.kaurhothi@qa.com

Our safeguarding team
Safeguarding referral routes
The Safeguarding Referral Form affords staff, employers and even fellow apprentices the opportunity to raise a safeguarding concern about an apprentice.
The Safeguarding Self-Referral Form allows an apprentice to raise a concern about themselves.
Low-Level and Behavioral Safeguarding Concern Form – This form serves 2 purposes:
- It gives all parties an opportunity to raise concerns regarding the conduct of QA staff towards apprentices
- It allows all parties to highlight concerning behavior from all parties that may not be a safeguarding concern but could be interpreted as more of a behavioral concern. For example, where a person uses misogynistic language or a microaggression of some kind. This allows us to build a picture and to take a proactive approach.
How safeguarding supports learners
Watch the video to find out about how our safeguarding service can help support you.