Dr Ronnie Smyth is a passionate cyber security professional who enjoys the challenge of problem-solving within a complex system and developing bespoke solutions for real-world problems. In 2019 he completed a PhD in Cyber Security with the Cyber Security Center at De Montfort University. My research was focused into the attribution of cyber-attacks. The PhD was sponsored by DSTL. Whilst working at the university, he was provided the freedom and flexibility to work on a large variety of projects for a large range of clients whilst educating the next generation of cyber security specialists. Ronnie delivers a range of cyber security training topics, he is able to provide real world context to a range of clients. He especially likes the challenging questions that a new perspective on a subject often brings, which questions his own understanding.

Specialist areas: Ronnie specializes in unusual cyber devices such as vehicles, fire alarm systems and IOT devices, focusing on the physical and network layers. As an educator gaining a great sense of achievement in being able to explain complex systems and open up new ideas and concepts to students.