George is an award-winning cybersecurity trainer. A former program leader of HE Computing and Lecturer in Cyber Security and Computer Science for Open University courses at Somerset College. Authored and delivered final year BSc and FdSc modules in Network Security, Information Security Management, Security Risk Assessment, Computer Systems Security and Architectures, Internet Technology and Security, Information Systems Development, Relational Theory, Server Scripting and Programming, Relational Databases, etc.

He presented at the 5th International Conference on Cybercrime, Security and Digital Forensics (Cyber forensics) as part of the Forensic Science in Defense and Security event – UK Defense Academy. Research for this event can be found here.

Specialist areas of cyber security training: MSc, Cert Ed, Cloud Security, Encryption, Analyzing Network Protocols, Open Source Intelligence, Digital Forensics, Network Security, Penetration Testing, Ethical Hacking.