Jane Howell is the subject matter expert (SME) for Microsoft Dynamics 365 and the Microsoft Power Platform. Jane is the author of the QA Microsoft mastering technical series of courses for Dynamics 365. Jane is considered an expert in her field on the Customer Engagement Apps for Dynamics 365. Jane maintains a high level of real-world experience, drawing from many years of consultancy and training experience.

Jane holds many of the Microsoft certifications for both the Dynamics 365 and Power Platform technology areas. She was asked by Microsoft to deliver both the Delta teach for the Microsoft Dynamics Fundamentals and the Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals training course.  Jane also worked with Microsoft to produce the Train the Trainer video and improve the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals course.

Jane has been working with Microsoft technologies since 1998, including server operating systems, SQL Server and Power BI, focusing on Microsoft Dynamics 365 technologies for the last 15 years. She has developed and delivered numerous bespoke technology and training solutions for organizations.