Phil has been involved in software development, consultancy and training for almost 30 years. He has a strong interest in Agile Software Development and is passionate about developing and delivering high-quality training. With a focus on helping others to learn, Phil has designed and delivered training programs across many sectors including financial, manufacturing, engineering and service. Phil led the Agile practice at QA.
Kanban versus Scrum
AgilePart of the ‘Ask About Agile’ video series.
Why do we recommend 3-9 members in a scrum team?
AgilePart of the ‘Ask About Agile’ video series.
What is the sprint goal and why is it important?
AgilePart of the ‘Ask About Agile’ video series.
QA Learning is the market leader for AgilePM® training
AgileQA's Head of Agile, Phil Stirpe, discusses the world's most popular agile project management framework and why you should choose QA for your AgilePM® training.