Welcome to QA's learning platform (formerly Cloud Academy)

Prepare for AWS certifications

Getting certified shows employers you have the most in-demand skills, endorsed by a leading entity in cloud computing.

Register now for a FREE trial on our self-paced online platform where you can find the AWS training library, a hub of highly-rated resources including in-depth courses, labs, quizzes, and exams. 

Whether you are a beginner or advanced, start learning today and develop your career!

Start a FREE trial now

AWS Hands-on Labs

Push your skills to the next level in our live AWS platform environments, applying your recently acquired knowledge to solve real-world problems in a simulated environment. Get quick and completely free access to our sandboxes, a safe and controlled environment to practice.

Our certification courses are closely aligned to vendor certification exams, so you’ll not only ace the exam, but they provide you with the confidence to work in a production environment.

Start a FREE trial now
AWS Hands-on Labs

Looking for a team solution?

Check out our business plans here