If you would like to make a complaint...

QA is dedicated to providing excellence in service to our customers, both clients and learners. We recognize that efficient complaints management will help us with service improvements and changes that positively impact our clients and learners.

A complaint can be raised by anyone. For the purposes of someone wishing to complain, a complaint is defined as an expression of dissatisfaction by one or more learners about a certain action, or lack of action, taken by QA, or about the standard of service provided by QA.

To ensure that complaints are wholly understood and investigations can be undertaken fully, all complainants are required to complete a formal complaint form which should be sent to qalcomplaints@qa.com. All complaints are managed in adherence to the QAL Complaints Policy.

Appealing the outcome of a complaint

In the unlikely event that you are unhappy with the way in which we have managed your complaint, you can appeal the outcome by emailing the details of your case to: Louise Evans, Head of Experience Management and Engagement at Louise.Evans@qa.com.

Appealing an examination result

QA is not able to manage complaints against an awarding body, or action appeals against examination results. In the specific case of a complaint or appeal regarding an examination result, you will need to contact the examining body with whom you have completed the exam, directly.

We may monitor or record Teams calls for training, customer service and quality assurance purposes, and to detect or prevent crime. For further information please see our Privacy Notice.

Our registered office and postal address is International House, 1 St Katharine’s Way, London, E1W 1UN.

QA is registered in England No. 2413137.