Please note:
Following the announcement from Microsoft in September 2019 that they will retire the SATV program via a period of transition, The SATV program will be retired in December 2021.
As previously advised from 1 February 2021 applicable volume licensing agreements signed on or after this date will not receive any training days from Microsoft.
As of 1 July 2021 no new SATV vouchers can be created or assigned via the Microsoft portal. Clients must ensure they have created vouchers prior to 1 July 2021 in order to use and assign these to training courses that end no later than 15 December 2021.
Microsoft have advised that there are no exceptions to this timeline and booking process.
Don’t miss the deadline – use your vouchers today:
1 February 2021
Applicable volume licencing agreements signed on or after this date will not receive any training days.
1 July 2021
No new vouchers can be created on the Microsoft SATV portal by any Training Partner. Clients must ensure they have created vouchers prior to 1 July in order to still assign these to training courses due to complete before 15 December 2021.
15 December 2021
All SATV courses must be attended and end no later than 15 December.
What is Microsoft Software Assurance?
Microsoft Software Assurance is designed to make volume software licensing for corporate customers easier to manage. In addition to software, organizations using Software Assurance also receive training vouchers, entitling them to attend a wide range of Microsoft courses without additional cost.
Many Microsoft courses, bespoke training programs and our top-value Certification in a Box learning programs can be obtained without additional cost using training vouchers, subject to your license agreement.
Do you qualify?
To find out if your organization qualifies for this Microsoft scheme please contact your account manager directly and, with your approval, we can find out if your volume software licensing agreement contains Software Assurance vouchers. Our team can be reached on 0845 757 3888 or
For more information on claiming vouchers you can speak to our dedicated Software Assurance administration team on 01793 696 050.
Please note all bookings are covered by Software Assurance terms and conditions.