This Environmental Policy Statement is applicable to the QA Group.
As a leading provider of business and technical skills training, we recognize our obligation to comply with all environmental legislation and best practice that is appropriate to our business.
We will do all that is reasonably practicable to:
- Reduce the level of energy consumption including electricity, gas and other fossil fuels, and obtain supplies from environmentally friendly organizations and those who use renewable energy sources.
- Reduce the consumption of consumable items, together with the recycling of equipment, waste products and redundant items.
- Reduce the requirement for physical travel between our offices and venues. Where possible, will off-set our travel carbon emissions by utilizing MS Teams, Zoom, other teleconferencing facilities and collaborative tools.
- Use, store, control and dispose of hazardous materials in-line with best environmental practices.
- Purchase items manufactured or produced from sustainable sources.
It is our aim to:
- Continually strive to improve our environmental performance by reviewing our environmental objectives, setting annual targets, and formally measuring their progress.
- Obtain services, equipment and power from providers who are committed to environmental protection.
- Prevent or reduce pollution and actively pursue a reduction in the use of substances and processes that adversely affect the environment.
- Counteract our travel carbon emissions through an approved 'off-setting' program.
- Make our Environmental Policy available at our offices, on our internal intranet and to interested parties, where appropriate.
- Consult with our employees, contractors, suppliers and partners on any matter that may affect them in relation to good environmental management practices and controls.
- Complete an annual review and evaluation of legal compliance, updating this policy and other environmental systems employed by the Group as a result.
As appropriate, our employees, contractors, suppliers, and partners will be expected to participate in our environmental programs and are required to co-operate in the operation of this Environmental Policy, in order to make a positive contribution to our commitment to good environmental management.
In addition, they should make themselves aware of the Group’s Environmental Policy and comply with its management system and other control measures.
Nathan Runnicles
Director Responsible for Environmental Management
1st October 2023