
Boost diversity with digital degree apprenticeships

How QA's Digital by Design learning model and digital and tech Degree Apprenticeship programs can help make your organization more diverse.

In 2023, Diversity is front of mind in almost every talent market.

For tech, where certain demographics are still woefully underrepresented, this priority is even higher. Businesses are recognizing the need to boost their Corporate Social Responsibility efforts toward a better future for all, across the industry, as well as seizing the opportunity to become more attractive workplaces.

According to Glassdoor ‘an overwhelming majority of employee reviewers of all ages - between 61-72% over the past six years - view their company's DEI program as a positive benefit.’

Even more convincingly, 36% aged 18 to 44 consider it an important factor when choosing whether to work for you… or your competitor.

In a challenging talent market, where the tech skills everyone needs are hard to come by, that extra edge can make a big difference. 

But it’s not just about talent attraction. The positive business impacts of higher diversity spread far and wide. Let’s see it in numbers:

  • reported that ‘businesses with a good mix of ethnic backgrounds are 33% more likely to outperform their competitors.’
  • A Hewlett Packard Enterprise program showed that neurodiverse teams are 30% more productive than others.
  • MCSI’s report shows that organizations with more women on their boards have better return on investment, equity and sales.

We just covered above several areas that are considered part and parcel of ‘diversity’, including, gender, ethnicity and neurodiversity. However, there are many more including age, disability, socioeconomic background and other identifiers.

Is there a one-size-fits-all solution for attracting, supporting and developing diverse talent in your business, across all these factors?

The truth is: Absolutely not.

It’s a case of treating each individual uniquely, tailoring their environment to allow them to fulfill their potential and have the best experience.

Or one step further: empowering everyone with the agency to tailor their experience for themselves.

That’s where QA comes in, with our ground-breaking, award-winning, delivery model: Digital by Design. It’s purpose-built to truly fit into the lives and careers of real learners, no matter who they are, where they are from or how they learn.

Let’s break down some key ways that Digital by Design (known as DxD), coupled with our Degree Apprenticeship portfolio, is equipped to support more diverse learners to progress in their careers, and in turn enable your business to reap the benefits:


A self-paced schedule allows learners to flex learning around their day-to-day reality. Everyone has lifestyle constraints, which may include parenting, financial barriers and more. With flexible learning, these no longer have to stand in the way of success and career development.

Built-in Accessibility

Not only is all our learning delivered virtually, making it physically accessible for those with disabilities or lacking the means to travel. Our learning design is developed with an emphasis on accessibility, too.

That means we blend audio and video, consistent and digestible visuals and accessible interactions, ensuring that every learner gets the most out of our expert-tutor led content.


We won’t shy away from the fact that a major barrier to education is often economic disadvantage or instability, which can often intersect with other factors too.

With degree apprenticeships, learners no longer have to accept that they can’t afford or attend a university degree course, or support themselves to ‘go back to school’.

With degree apprenticeships, learners are earning while learning.

Even better than that, the apprenticeship levy means that employers don’t have to foot the cost, supporting SMEs to access top notch qualified talent without the price tag.

Learn more about the apprenticeship levy and levy transfer schemes.

Degree level and beyond

There’s a ‘glass ceiling’ for many diverse groups, not limited to women in the workplace.

More senior positions can be harder to attain for those from disadvantaged backgrounds, due to the higher levels of education and experience required, and obstacles at various stages on the ladder.

Our DxD Apprenticeships now go all the way to degree level, and soon to master’s level, too. So, talent can earn and learn in a way that fits into real life, all the way to senior leadership or highly specialist roles.

With DxD degrees, nothing is out of reach.

Learn more about the first of our degree apprenticeships to be delivered entirely via the DxD model: Digital Technology Solutions BSc. Or contact us today to see how we can accelerate your talent with DxD just fill in the form below and our specialists will be in touch.

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