Leadership & Business

Case study: Radius Payment Solutions & customer excellence skills

Find out how QA helped Radius Payment Solutions develop customer excellence skills and capabilities to become an organization of the future.

In a recent QA article, we looked at the need to become the ‘Organization of the Future.’ and how organizations are having to ‘re-imagine’ themselves and define new ways to adapt and prosper. Organizations must adapt to the ‘New Rules’* by evolving into a new shape – and by deploying a new series of skills and capabilities, in order to meet and exceed constantly rising expectations with ‘new and improved’ customer experiences.

Customer Service - Ready for the Future

Developing and maintaining superior Customer Excellence has become a source of competitive advantage that few organizations can choose to ignore. Radius Payment Solutions, has pro-actively met this challenge head-on, with a tailored Customer Service Excellence program from QA.

Radius Payment Solutions: An organization of the future

The following video walks you through how Radius Payment Solutions have developed their Customer Service teams to be an organization of the future. This program puts their customers and technology at the heart of everything they do; both in product development and how their products are delivered to customers.



QA’s Learning Method and Model

QA and Radius Payment Solutions agreed on a fully blended solution to build value and enhance the customer service experience provided by the Radius IT Department. QA provided the insight into ‘best practice’ needed for a distinctly excellent standard moving forward. We delivered a program of activities which gave the learners:

  • Insight into the personal, departmental and organizational level benefits of enhancing the service they provide
  • The opportunity to define their own standards and customer service charter, ultimately gaining commitment from the team to changing from the status quo

The format of the program followed QA’s Learning Model; a blended ‘Performance Based Learning’ approach which as well as the four main learning elements: Experience, Learn, Apply and Perform - also included Engagement of learners and Validation of the learning.


Radius Business Solutions have recognized the ‘organization of the future’ is needed now and have equipped their Customer Service teams to deal with the New Rules of the Digital Age. Talk to QA to find out how we can help yours.

Look out for our next edition of Developing Skills and Capabilities for the Digital Age.

Useful links

Edition 1: The future of work - is the future of learning - is the future of work...

Edition 3: Leadership Pipeline

Edition 4: Customer Excellence

Edition 5: 'Bite-size' personal development

Edition 6: 'IMPACT' program for frontline leaders

About QA Group

QA helps individuals and organizations achieve their potential through world-class Learning Strategy and Solutions. This includes: training and certification, innovative Talent Solutions that solve both business critical skills and capability gaps, Business Transformation solutions, enabling change and transformation through engagement and education of workforces, and Managed Learning Services. In addition, QA provide consultancy, apprenticeships and post graduate degrees on a range of technical, business and leadership subjects. With over 22 UK training centers – including Apprenticeships, Consulting and Cyber Academies – and a range of online learning options, QA offer an unparalleled set of learning solutions to both private and public sector organizations.


*Deloitte regularly undertake UK specific research, and to quote their key finding in 2017: ‘The organization of the future’ emerged as the prime focus ……with talent acquisition and learning highest on the business agenda.’ - Human Capital Trends. UK Supplement 2017 – Top 5 challenges for HR.

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