
RPA: Leveraging the Bots

QA Robotic Process Automation (RPA) consultant, Chris Lucas, explains how a short-term tactical adoption of RPA could help solve longer-term strategic goals.

Understandably, a lot of businesses have frozen all change, dropped digital transformation programs and shelved longer-term improvement strategy to face the immediate pressure of today's health crisis, and the immediate financial effects being realized. Reacting to change is something we’re not very good at generally (let’s face it, digital transformation has been around for years and we’re still banging the drum), but situations like this force us to rethink, force us to adapt, force us to undertake that change.

By adopting our "battle-ready" positions, we have accepted inefficiencies and in some cases, complete stops to streams of work. Traditionally, automating these in order to regain some productivity and readiness would take months if not years, and that is where RPA can help your business.

RPA is not simply a new trend in automation, it is different – it breaks the mold, it is not traditional IT. Addressing the immediate situation (rather than a longer-term digital transformation strategy) you could leverage a tactical RPA deployment, breathing life into shelved processes and unattended workflows now affected by Covid-19... and do this in the next couple of weeks – rapid development, quick implementation and even better: potentially huge ROI.

Longer term, post this crisis, we’re going to see a legacy. The landscape of how we work, where we work and who does that work is going to change forever. Adopting RPA now, tactically, to solve an immediate need, can very well solve a strategic one in the future. Getting our businesses back running more productively and easing the burden we’re under may just be the catalyst we needed for more permanent automation, improvement and digital transformation.

A moment to ponder:

  • Did you realize that driven by rapid development and short implementation timescales, RPA can be leveraged tactically to solve an immediate need and doesn’t necessarily need to be part of an overall business strategy?

  • Coping with a reduced resource pool is a critical business issue and a very human one. If the reduction could be picked up by a digital workforce, how would you reap the benefits?

  • On the other side of Covid-19, have you considered how your dormant or reduced processes will run? Will you still have the resources to man them, or would this be an opportunity to remove the robot from the human and embrace a digital workforce?

To find out more, read QA's white paper called An Introduction to Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Don't know where to start? We have RPA Specialists ready to deploy to add immediate value to your organization. Click here to find out more.