Cloud & Virtualisation

Is your head in the clouds when it comes to cloud training?

Cloud is ever-changing, and with new services being introduced rapidly, continuous training becomes an effective way to stay up to speed and ahead of competitors.

What was just a buzz word a few years ago, is now common practice in some form or another. Nearly all organisations are now either using Cloud, are in the process of moving to Cloud or are at least exploring the concept of using the Cloud. As the use of the Cloud grows exponentially, so does the gap in skills to support the platforms effectively and the need to up skill and re-train staff.

In a recent QA sponsored research supplement, Computing looked into the demands Cloud transformation places on organisations to equip their staff with the necessary skills. 69% of IT decision makers reported a likely shortfall in technical skills relating to the Cloud.  Despite this, barely one quarter of users said they had a training plan in place to facilitate a smooth transition to the Cloud.

Moving to the Cloud can require a large initial investment and often a change in ways of working. Although Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) ultimately decreases and is usually lower than that of an on premise infrastructure, without being able to utilise Cloud successfully, this investment can be wasted. From the first step, every organisation will want to maximise their Cloud infrastructure. One way to do this is to ensure staff are prepared by providing skills upfront, with the relevant knowledge through training and certification.

Skilled Cloud professionals are high in demand but low in supply. In fact, the need for Cloud skills is growing so much that in 2016, Computer World listed Cloud Skills / SAAS as the 9th hottest tech skills to have for the year. Earlier this year Cloud/SAAS moved to 4th.  

Techies themselves also confirmed the need to learn build a more rounded skill set with emphasis on soft skills. This is due, in part, to Cloud being integral to wider company transformations and a driving factor when it comes to Digital Transformation. Organisations taking a digital first approach can make use of  to the Cloud create scalable infrastructure that fits in with the Agile approach and quick go to market demands. Earlier this year Microsoft conducted a Cloud Skills report. As part of this report they found that 80% organisations they surveyed said that Cloud skills were important to their transformation. 57% went further and stated Cloud skills as critical, i.e. without them the project was in danger of failure. Companies need to act now or risk failing to transform. Bringing skills in house rather than outsourcing to managed providers or contractors can help organisations take control, make informed decisions about Cloud use and achieve long term strategies.

Furthermore, Cloud skills provide a competitive edge for businesses. Those without the right levels of knowledge are likely to fall behind their competition. Cloud is ever-changing, and with new services being introduced rapidly, continuous training becomes an effective way to stay up to speed and ahead of competitors.

Whatever stage you are currently in, QA are able to support across your Cloud journey. We have a comprehensive range of Cloud courses covering every stage, we also partner with the leading Cloud platform providers Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform to deliver accredited training and certification.

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