Cyber Security

Stop your search for cyber security talent

Here’s a smarter, more cost-effective option for hard-to-find cyber security skills.

It’s hard to fill almost any tech role. But it’s ridiculously hard to find good cyber security people. Despite the fact some organisations only need one cyber security analyst for every hundred software developers, that one analyst can be the most elusive.

This even applies to entry-level positions.

Finding a reliable, trust-worthy, inexpensive junior cyber security engineer, with the right blend of skills and talent, has become a holy grail for talent acquisition managers everywhere.

And the problem has become more acute over the last 12 months. Every organisation is now grappling with some form of digital transformation. As digitisation infiltrates every line of business the security footprint expands too, increasing the need for security and a very specific type of security pro. Specialists with the security know-how and business acumen to build security into operations and tie IT to the business.

We know the market is failing to meet this demand. The Global Information Security Workforce study indicates there could be around 100,000 unfilled cybersecurity jobs in the UK by 2022.

We also know that cyber talent comes at a ludicrously high price, even for entry-level hires. 

So if you can’t recruit them, what’s the solution? 

Squad-as-a-Service for Cyber Security

In a nutshell, QA’s Squad-as-a-Service delivers the exact entry-level cyber security talent you need in a matter of weeks, at a sensible price point. 

We identify the right talent, train them in the precise blend of cyber security skills you need and embed them into your organisation over the course of a 12-week programme. 

These individuals are already IT professionals with real-world experience and a diverse skill set that’s almost impossible to find on the market at a reasonable price.

Here’s what sets them apart:

  • Security knowledge

They’re drilled in the fundamentals of cyber security – National Institute of Standards Technology (NIST), risk management, threat hunting, cloud security and more. And they have certifications to prove it.

  • Real-world experience

They’ve already completed a deployment within another enterprise working on programs with a security or privacy component. Some will already have national security clearance.

  • Broad IT skill set

They’ve worked for at least 12 months in software development or DevOps positions. This means they have an incredibly rich and multifaceted skill set. They’re Linux natives and are fluent in Java or Python. 

  • Business acumen

They’re not just security experts, they are also very capable when it comes to processing and assimilating data and creating reports. We’re big believers in the value of soft skills and all of our consultants are astute and proactive communicators.

How we create our cyber tech specialists 

Our typical Cyber Squad-as-a-Service programme consists of foundational courses that provide a thorough understanding of the core components of the cyber security lifecycle. This is a vendor agnostic programme to ensure trainees pick up a broad set of practical skills, with courses accredited by the National Cyber Security Centre. Our tech specialists learn using best-of-breed learning platforms and are tested intermittently across the duration of their deployment to guarantee performance.

We also offer more custom programmes. If you need someone with a very specific skill or vendor specialism, then we can add on the requisite training to make sure individuals are up-to-date with the latest thinking on the tool, or system that is important to your organisation. For example, Sentinel or Splunk. And if you have a large job to tackle, we can deploy entire teams with an inbuilt chain of command.

Stop searching. Start securing

Our Cyber Squad-as-a-Service offering is a unique and cost-effective solution to the cyber security skills gap. Within just 12 weeks you can have the exact specialist you need.

But the real value lies in the blend of skills we offer. We’re not just providing dependable security pros. Our cyber tech specialists are also multi-talented IT generalists and that’s critical at a time when the lines between technology disciplines are blurring. Having someone who can code, protect apps and engage line-of-business leaders is an invaluable asset to any organisation looking to bring IT and operations together.

We don’t believe that you can find junior cyber security talent with this breadth experience and skill on the market.

So stop the search for your perfect hire. Talk to us.

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