IT Service Management

Why now is the best time to gain the APMG BRMP qualification

With the exponential rise of technology services over the last year, there's an increased need for well-equipped business relationship managers to bridge the gap between the customer's tech needs and the service provider's capabilities. Enters the BRMP certification to help upskill relationship managers to tackle this challenge head-on, explains Paul Wigzel.

The exponential growth in appetite for technology

When the world begins to emerge from under the blanket of Covid-19 restrictions, there is little doubt that there will be massive stampedes to return to some semblance of normality.

Yet, during the past year, our dependence on technology has accelerated. It has been essential for both business and recreation. We have all shopped, socialised and worked from the small spaces we call home. Conversely, the growth in technological service delivery has gone from steady to stratospheric, with no indications of slowing. 

Technology is driving the demand for BRMs

AI, the internet of everything and the robotisation of lifestyles will not only continue to expand, but it will also play a massive role in parts of the world where adoption has been slow up to now. With such a clear appetite for technological service solutions, there has never been a better time to gain service management and relationship management skills.

Relationship managers (RMs) or business relationship managers (BRMs) are the bridge between two areas of an organisation or separate organisations and they:

  • navigate and set a direction to the future;
  • connect the parties required for seamless and easy service facilitation or delivery; and
  • orchestrate and link the varied stakeholders at the most convenient times.

What is the benefit of the APMG BRMP course?

QA offers the Business Relationship Management Professional course, which provides the opportunity for participants to develop, discuss and determine the skills they have or still require to become the conduit between the business and the service provider.

With the BRM job role heavily focusing on strategic and tactical communications between key stakeholders and driving the ever-increasing demand for value, the BRMP qualification provides the skills, tools and knowledge to effectively execute the role.

So is the BRMP qualification for you?

That is a good question because at first glance it seems simple –  it's aimed at anyone managing a relationship with the business… but who is the business? For most organisations, the business is a euphemism for the customer. Therefore, the course is for anyone involved in strategic discussions with customers.

This is NOT an operational role, it is strategic, so it's a good match for service delivery managers, account managers, customer service managers and anyone being thrust into picking up the role of BRM or relationship manager. This links to ITIL 4 where the practice of relationship management is about nurturing and managing the relationships with customers or key stakeholders at a strategic and tactical layer.

Course overview

The BRMP qualification covers the following:

  • Gaining credibility for the role of the BRM
  • Demand-shaping, exploration, servicing and value harvesting for all parties
  • Creating a relationship strategy on a page
  • Looking at value leakage
  • Assessing the importance of the portfolio
  • Addressing IT alignment with the business
  • Looking at the provider's capability and the business requirement
  • Considering communication, communication styles and framing the correct message for stakeholders.

Let's be clear: this course is not for those who are not willing to put the work in. There is a huge amount of information to consider and learn for the examination. It is not an easy option and should only be attempted by those in the role or soon to be entering the role of the BRM.

Why gain your BRM qualifications with QA?

We are proud to have worked closely with APMG International for over 15 years, offering a range of accredited qualifications. Our qualifications are kept up to date with the latest APMG content and our subject matter experts are here to support you at every of your training journey.

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