The future skills of project managers meetup


The project profession is pivotal to delivering this change

We live in a time of perpetual change. Individuals, organisations, industries and professions all have to adapt to the ever evolving and future needs of society.

Join Prof. Adam Boddison (CEO, Association for Project Management) and Dr Ian Clarkson (PPM Practice Director, QA) in conversation as they talk about the future skills project professionals may need. Ian will be posing the questions followed by the opportunity to ask your own questions to Adam.


Ian will be discussing with Adam about:

  • The changes we may see in the profession in the future
  • What new skills may be needed to meet these changes
  • Whether the profession is ready for the change

Who should watch this session

Anyone with interest in project management or wished to start a career in the field. 

About the speakers

Professor Adam Boddison, Chief Executive Officer, Association for Project Management

Adam joined APM as chief executive officer (CEO) in September 2021. He has a non-executive director portfolio that includes being Chair of the Corporation at Coventry College and Trustee at two multi-academy trusts spanning 80 primary, secondary and specialist settings. These schools and colleges provide education for more than 45,000 children and young people. Adam is also a visiting professor at the University of Wolverhampton.

Prior to joining APM, Adam held leadership roles in several membership organisations including as chief executive for Nasen (National Association for Special Educational Needs), director for the LLSENDCiC (a higher education membership group), and as academic principal for IGGY (a global educational social network for gifted teenagers). Adam was also director of the Centre for Professional Education at the University of Warwick. He has published a range of books and articles and is a qualified clinical.

Dr Ian Clarkson, PPM Practice Director, QA Ltd

Ian heads up the project and programme management (PPM) practice at QA Ltd, a learning organisation providing the largest breadth and depth of PPM learning solutions in the UK and Europe. Ian is a highly experienced consultant, author, trainer and speaker with over 20 years’ experience in project management, organisational change and learning.

Ian was an author of the APM Body of Knowledge, a member of the Reference Group for PRINCE2 6th Edition, and a member of the Global Review Group for MSP 5th Edition. Ian was on the technical advisory board for the development of the APM Higher Apprenticeship in Project Management, and also for the update to the APM suite of certifications. Ian is a regular contributor for Project Manager Today Magazine, and APM blogs, and the APM Projecting the Future initiative. Ian has published over 100 articles on project management.

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